Thursday, June 6, 2013

What else???

So, here are some of the more of the other crazy school things that have been going on.

Project night.  We did Annie's county float and Jasons book report.

 Can you guess who Jason is?  Ralph S. Mouse.

Cassi had to chase down the babies.  I wish I always had a runner with me to chase them :)
Choir Performance

4th grade County Float Parade

End of school award assembly
James got a bunch.  I am still in shock that he is going to Jr. High next year.  (Insert Scream and faint)
Jason got an award for high academics.

Beyonce got 3rd place for chess club.  

Elly hanging out with Jordyn.  
Twin terrors on James lap. 2 1/2 hours of being at the elemntary school was just plain exhausting.  
His skate park he made.  
Yeah, one school year down 14 more to go ;)

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