Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Holy Batman . . . 9 kids in December = super busy

Who would have thunk it?  This month is flying by.  I can't believe how crazy it is.  I love the nights that we are triple booked.  Thank heavens there was a change in schedule, but the change just double booked another night.  I am just rambling, aren't I? So sorry.  Anywho, since I am just rambling and confusing, here is a photo that isn't even from December.  This was the clan I took to the opening night of Catching Fire.  We went all out for Hunger Games; including little mocking jay nest cookies.  But this time around?  We just went to the movie.

  Becca was too good for us and went with the drill team.  But do you know the best part?  I went the next night too.  Since John stayed home with the littles and he wanted to see it, I got to see it twice.  Honestly, I could go see it again.  (Becca went on a cute little date with Braden the next night also, so she was as awesome as me.)    

Did you see the movie?  Did you love it?  I thought the  graphics and acting was excellent.

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